Thursday, January 17, 2008

Did those words really come out of my mouth???

Today, I stopped in mid senteced and shook my head. Did I really, say these words to my child...

1. No the cat does not want his butt wiped with a diaper wipe
2. Please do not put your rubber ducky in the cats water dish
3. Don't event think about wiping the cats butt with the diaper wipe
4. I just said please do not give me attitude to a two year old. Good god what is wrong with me..
5. Please do not put cat food in your sippy cup
6. Lets not play tea party with the cat's water
7. Not a great idea to take ice cubes out of my cola and throw them at the cat

And yes, I have moved the cat's water and food dishes several times...

Boy, I can't wait till we get a dog.

I did not take any photo's today, hopefully tomorrow.


Torismom said...

WOW, we must have the same kid. Here are some highlights from my week:

1. Lets not put my drivers license in the dogs water bowl.
2. Can we please not pick mommy's nose.
3. Why do you think its funny that I just hit my head?
4. Dog food is not your best source of fiber Myah
5. Let's not french kiss the dog please.

Oh and there are so many more!

Torismom said...

Oh wait, I forgot my favorite:

"Please don't put those batteries in your mouth." WHO says that to a kid? LOL.

Robyn said...

Ha Ha!! These sound very similar to some of the things I find myself saying to Gabriella. :)


P.S. Sorry I missed your calls this weekend. I will email you later.