Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who was the crazy lady who brought me to this parade.. I am freezing...
The L family decorating for the holidays...

Goofin around the Christmas Tree

Happy Holidays from our crazy house hold.. Where three cats, a dog, hermit crab, a fish named super Y a three year old and as my husband says a mother in law resides..

We are good!! It has been so crazy busy, it seems getting time to sit down on the computer is nearly impossible.. The holidays are in full swing at our house. I am making candy like crazy and of course all decked out for the holidays... Frank has started his new job as gm for the Pizza Hut .. It is going really well and we are loving the fact that he is home most evenings...
Sophie is having her first Christmas party this weekend.. She is really excited about that. Tonight she was helping her daddy make a reindeer for pin the nose on rudolph.. I am helping CC out as much as possible at the store.. I am going in tomorrow a.m. to assist with a personal shop.. It is nice to go back, but also know it is tempory.. I am babysitting for two loveable cute little boys that our family has taken in... They are great and we all enjoy them.. Especially my Sophie... Bob has been here for awhile and doing good. He is enjoying the kids, but also likes the idea we have given the basement to him and mom and they have made a very cute apartment..
Have a great holidays and I will try to post more later...
Emily: I have lost all your information... Call me or email me your information.. We Need to get together...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hello Again My Friends and Family...

Just when, I think our life will get back to normal all hell breaks loose... We will start backwards and move forward in the world, I call my own...

Grandma took ill, I mean very ill. We were not sure if she was going to make it. But about a month later, her spleen removed and icu visit, one fun roomate and a crazy roommate, life for granny is heading back to normal. She is doing well. Not real active, but hey the woman is 85 and had one hell of a ride...

Last week Frank took ill and spent 12 hours in the emergency room. With a throat infraction. Basically, he could not swallow and had some food stuck in his throat. He had to have a scope put down his throat and he is always entertaining after surgery in his fog... He is ok now, has to go back for another scope, but he is good...

Last Friday, I had oral surgery.. Ok we have theme around our house... A few days before our trip to Illinois.. I broke my tooth on a potato chip of all things. With my great luck, it was the back tooth and could not be saved. So this time, Frank was able to laugh at me coming out of my fog. I would like to say thank you to Katy my mom in law for shuttling me back in forth to the oral surgeon...

We are all happy and healthy... Frank received some good news this week, but I cannot post for awhile... I will try to post pics, but this girl is tired..

Have a great weekend...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sophie and her Baby Ross

We are Family...
Just me and my baby Rosser...

Auntie Sarah this post is for you.... You have asked and asked so kindly for pictures all summer and I have not taken the time. My darling friend you are the opposite of me, you send birthday cards on time and thank you cards and do things in return so quickly. Me, I am the putter, who really knows when your birthday is 12/9 but I seem to forget to call that day. I want you to know, I appreciate everything you do for me and my family.. You are a great friend and god has blessed me with your sisterhood. Like the time we went on vacation together and everyone asked us if we were twins, yep you are the one who remembers and me the one who always forgets and has an excuse. LOL

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Special Treat

Summer is quickly coming to an end... Sophia will start pre-school soon, grandma is heading home tomorrow and gymnastics start tomorrow evening. It has been a pleasant summer, I am actually ready for fall.. Sophie was running around in her previous Halloween costumes today, so I take it she is ready also. I am excited to state, I have a few more summer pics to upload and I will be caught up.
On to the surprise, my grandma's counsin lives close to us in KY. While granny was visting, she was able to come for lunch this week. They have not seen each other since 1996 so it was nice to listen to stories and catch up. I will try to post more this week. Some of you might not know, but I am babysitting a great little girl a few days a week. Her and Sophie get along nicely and it seems everyone is enjoying themselves. Have a good evening...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sophia and her Pit Crew Summer of 2008!

Hello Blogger Pals and Family... Yes we are still on Planet Earth... We have had an exciting summer, filled with laughter, love, celebrations, some sorrows and tears of joy being reunited with freinds and family... I hope you enjoy the first segment of our summer....

Father and daughter spending time together...

Father and Son bonding... Granny teaching Sophie how to make her famous pie's...Sophie giving Granny a bit of dough on the nose..Nona and Papa took us to see Thomas the Train..We even met Sir Topham Hat..Best Friends were reunited and spent the day at the adoption picinic together...
We have been blessed by god to have met one another, and know how lucky we are our, we come from Guatemala, North Carolina and Kentucky to share a weekend of memories, stories and love for our children and friendships...
Kass, Soph, myself, Ang and Cynthia and Ana Maria...

Week Later California here we come!!!

At Jamies house in California...

The girls looking for hermitt crabs

Santa Monica Pier Just Goofin around at California Adventure...

Breakfast with a Princess.. And just when we did not think it could get better

Bumper Cars with Uncle J..

A mama looking through the eyes of her child at the wonder of the disney parade..

Dreams really do come true...
Almost falling asleep in Illinois on the ferris wheel... Riding my first big kid ride with Uncle Eric...
Celebrating the Fourth with Family...
A Princess Birthday

Time to read a book....
Celebrating with friends in North Carolina...
The best third birthday a little girl could ask for...

Who else our we going to see this summer...
Trying to cool off...

I have not had a chance to down load the rest of July and August pictures. Stay tuned
In closing the sorrow of the summer was when my uncle Russ passed away. Suddenly I feel as if I am getting older and when it used to be 75 of us now it maybe only 30... It seems as if in a moment life shifts. So in honor of you Russ here it is...
Every time I drive past a pond, I think of you...
when I see fish coming to the top of the pond at Falls, I feel your presence.
When I hear someone talking about poker, I think of you and Al and giggle..
I was lucky to call you my uncle and have dolly furniture that was hand made by you..
Thank you for the love and memories...
Your niece...


Monday, June 23, 2008

Yes, we are here...

It has been a busy May and June. We were in Illinois for almost three weeks and then went to L.A. We had a great time on vacation, but glad to be home. Today was the first norma (what is normal) day in along time... I have so many great pictures to post. But tonight, I am really tired.
Bob is here... Yeah... His dermatologist in Lexington says all is good, family will know what I am yacking about... Good night...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hello Kitty and Blueberry Pie....

Sophie and I walked around the neighborhood today and ventured out to Marie Callanders eatery. First, thing Sophia said when we walked in the door and saw the pies. Mommy I want pie... Pie! So after a good lunch, I mistakenly let her pick her pie. Yes, all white and Blueberry pie.. It was worth the excitement she had eating the pie. I have great pics, that I will post next week. Also we ventured to the sanrio store to (hello kitty) Sophie had a great time picking out things. Of course, I took pics and the sales associate was great, sprinkling glitter on her hair, hello kitty tattoo's the whole works. On the way home Sophie fell asleep and believe it or not the no nap girl after 2.5 hours is still out. So I hit the pool and worked on getting some sun. My arms are great, but I would love to get some color to my legs. Having a great time.

last night we went to Clarissa's afterschool party. Very nice. Gerrard and I had more fun embarrasing the kid, we are so bad... We kept waving at her when she was on stage.. She is sooo cute. I could not ask for a better eight year, between Rissa and Kylie I am spoiled, when it comes to great kids and great Sophie entertainers. Tomorrow is Disney Land... Yahoooooo

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Baggage Tunnel

Every year, I say I am going to L.A. to visit my best friend Jamie.. Every year, I talk myself out of it.. Well friends guess were Sophie aand I are??? We are in California... What an adventure getting to L.A. We left from Louisville and went to Cinci. We arrived in Cinci and boarded the shuttle bus to go to the connecting when everyone had to get off the shuttle and go inside because of a tornado wartch.. Standing in the terminal all the stores were shutting down the employees of the airport were all going somewhere, before we knew the airport was closed and all passengers, pilots employees etc were taken to the baggage tunnel. Yes, the places where we don't usually see where are baggage goes. Two flights of stairs with a stroller, trucking though a loading dock, we arrived for our 30 r 40 minute stay in the baggage tunnel. I took pictures, but forgot the cord to down load.. Sophie was a tropper...

Today we went to the North Brook Mall. Found a great Harry and David and had lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen. We are exhausted but having a good time. We are going to Clarissa's Hula Party at school tonight...

I will try to update tomorrow. This weekend we have a bunch of great things planned for the girls. Tonight Gerrard is going to babysit Sophie so Jamie and I can go out for dinner. Wish the guy luck, he is so going to need it with those two girls....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Update on Sophia's World...

It has been a busy and stressful last week. Many of you know and some donot, that we are in Illinois. My grandma had a bad spell a week ago Sunday. My mom and I came back on Wed. She is out of the hospital and doing good. We went to have a follow up appointment with the cardiologist yesterday. She has an excuse the spelling angieogram on Tuesday. I am understanding we are thinking their is some blockage. So the Sophie pit crew is stopped in the Prairie for a bit. We are adjusting and missing story time, playgroups etc. Sophie on the other hand has made some neighborly friends. She now calls Mr. H our neighbor Bob the Builder since he works in his garden in the a.m. She is tagging along after Aunt Barb who she calls Barbara Barbara come here.... She misses her daddy, but we are doing. Please say a few prayers for us and I will update when I have computer access...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sophia's First Prom and More...

Sophia calls Shane (MY SHANE)
She loves him sooo much and he loves her too...
I Love this picture.... How about the color of M's dress.. So pretty....

Very good friend of mine Caroline has the greatest teenage boys. They have loved Sophie RayGene since the day she came home... Casey the youngest introduced Sophie to Spongebob and a great babysitter. Shane the oldest has stole my Sophie's heart. Playing hide n seek, tickling her and just givingher alot of attention... We went over to Carolyn's house last week, since Carolyn was going to be out of the country for prom, I offered to take pictures of Shane and his lovely girl friend... Who I will be callling soon to be a sitter.... Shane joking around with Sophie asked her to the prom, my Sophie said yes.. And here we go. She woke up on Saturday and asked if today was prom. I said yes. She ran to her room and started to look for a dress for her Shane... We finally found one she liked in her closet and all day she kept asking for prom. Around 7:15 we met Shane's limo for pictures and Sophie went to what she thinks was prom. I hope you love the pics as much as we do... Howmany 17 yearold boys would want their picture with a 2 year old in front of their friends....

On to another great story:

Friday, Sophie and I were running around buying mulch for the backyard. On our 100th trip not really, I was hungry Really. So we went to Moes Southwest Grill. I asked the man behind the counter if the taco's were spicey. No maam. Whatever. About the third bite, Sophie looks at me and says, Mommy this spicey. Good but spicey. I took a bite and about died. I couldnot talk. Sophie starts to laugh and hand me cheese. Mama eat cheese helps. eat cheese it helps. I started to laugh... Today we drove by taking Casey home from school. Sophie started to giggle and said spicey lunch, spicey lunch....

Why, I haven't I blogged. I never realized how busy, I would be at home. Some days, I just have no clue where the time goes. I promise, I will try to get better, posting pictures. But remember, I have a 2 year old, puppy, three cats a fish, a husband that works nights, my mom, meet up group, story time, playdates, e-bay sales and cleaning house etc

OOPs I forgot the earth worm that lives in the coffee can outside on the window sill. I think a partridge in a pear tree would be a great addition to our team... What do you think...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ahhh Memories

First, I have been awful at blogging. I am ashamed at myself for being so horrible, since my blog purpose is too have a journal for Sophia. So in a nutshell, I promise to Try to be better and here is a catch up...


Sophia has been home for two years, we celebrated her Gotcha Day by making homemade chocolate cake, daddy taking her to buy a fish and visiting Nona and Papa...
Sophia you are the highlight of our life. You have brought us smiles, joy, laughter and no sleep. But we would not change any of this. Thank you for teaching us new things everyday. We are lucky to be your mommy and daddy....
I will post more later.. I have many stories...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sophia has been tagged...

Sophie has been tagged by her friend Gabriella... Ten interesting facts about Miss Sophie....

1. She knows her abc's
2. She loves music and playing piano with nona and harp with Aunt Rita
3. She can spell Cats Cats Cats
4. She knows her colors english and most of them in spanish
5. She loves to play with make up
6. She loves to do somersaults off the sofa onto the big pillows
7. She will tell you where she was born, how she came to America and who was at the airport waiting for her
8.Sophie is an animal freak. Loves to go on Safari, petstore and zoo
9. Sophie is a great singer and dancer. She loves to do the mambo like dancing with the stars
10. Mommys helper making beds, cooking and cleaning....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sweet Sophie in her Easter Dress

A little Sweet on Easter....
Finding the Easter Eggs...

Frank, Autumn & Sophia

Easter Day 2008!

Easter Sunday was pleasant. Frank was still under the weather, but still got up early to hide eggs around the house. Later in the afternoon, we had a small change hunt for Sophie in the back yard. I cooked a small dinner since everyone has been feeling a bit sick. Sophie and her dad colored Easter Eggs for the first time. So overall we had a good day. We are going to celebrate with Frank's parents this weekend. Yummy, I cannot wait for her Easter Traditional Food...

Sophie would like to thank everyone for all the great Easter Baskets and Cards. It means so much to Frank and I also...


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail & I Hope He Knows How To Spell!!!

Today turned out to be a fun day. I was a disappointed for Sophie that Frank and Nona were unable to attend the Easter activities and traditional lunch for pizza after the egg hunt due to the flu. Frank is feeling a bit better!

Sophie, Mimi and I started our morning by attending the Joseph Beth Egg Hunt and meeting Peter Rabbit. What a great time. The egg hunt was fantastic and the stories were great. Fun had by all. I am so excited my pictures turned out really well. The big bonus they gave away no candy yeah...

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail, stopping through the bunny trail
to get his picture taken with Miss Sophie...

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter is on it's way...

After the egg hunt we raced across town to church for the annual egg hunt. How much fun. This year, Sophie has turned into the egg hunter. First we could look out the window at the church and see the eggs in the court yard. Sophie loudly says oh my goodness look at the eggs. Good lord... After we lined up at the court yard, the head of the hunt counted down to three. Sophie passed about 50 eggs and all the kids that stopped and went after the eggs at the beginning, went straight to the back and cleaned house. Then she saw it... Eggs ok.. She saw the light, Fruit snacks. Majority of the kids were passing up the fruit snacks and running for the eggs, my smart Sophie, she ran behind them and cleaned out the fruit snacks. I will not have to purchase for awhile. My smart consumer

And we are off to look for eggs...

Mommy, I found one....

Stop for a cheese...
The Scariest Easter Bunny..

Papa met us at the church and we went for lunch at the same place we went last year. I cannot think of the name of it at this time. We had so much fun... Sophie really enjoyed having lunch with her papa.

Papa's Girl...

Off and running to Meir for more egg fun. Meir had treats and activities for the kids. Sophie was thrilled with her bunny pin and stickers. At this time, I am pooped. We headed home for a nap. Sophie went down for a 3o minute nap. During this time Aunt Carolyn aka Aunt Dee Dee (we have know idea why) called and asked us to come over for Sophie's basket. Oh my lord more candy... Sophie had her first ring pop tonight and she is in love with that... So off to Sams Club. My favorite store these days. The next thing, I know it is 7:00 and we need to eat dinner. So we went to Cheddars had a great dinner and now Sophie sleeps. I am excited for Easter morning. I love watching her get so jazzed about everything. She is such a great kid.

I hope eveyone has a wonderful Easter...

Prayers for the following important people in my life:

Frank and Nona for having the flu. I hope you recover soon...

John B. please recover soon from your surgery

Amy, my blog pal... Keep the faith girl.. Prayer for her going through some personal stuff...

Prayers for all my family and friends that you stay well, healthy and enjoy the holiday with your family and loved ones...