Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Prayer Request and more Illinois Pictures...

Take One...
Take Two...

Take Three...

Please Pray for dear friends of ours. Close friends of ours who adopted two sweet and lovely children, called tonight needing me to look after their little boy tomorrow. Their daughter was admitted to the hospital and will be having surgery tomorrow. For their privacy, I will not go into details, but I will say what we thought was the flu bug that has been going around. Not the case.

I am still working on the stenciling on Sophie's room. I finished the pink wall this evening after she went to bed.

Last night was horrible. Let start by saying I was in bed with a 2 year old and a dog and the dog had bad poop yucky at 4:00 a.m. on my bed. What the hell. Put him down and hello what did sophie feed you... Frank came home and immediately took out the trash. Caught up on laundry today, went to the super market and really hit the potty training and did well today. Yes bribery does work. Yes she went in the potty once and had several accidents but we are making progress.

Tonight Sophie took her diaper off after she pooped. I walked in the room to hear her say, I do not like poop between my toes, so we hit the tub. It has been a poopy 24 hours...

After being on the same type of insulin for several years, I switched last Thursday and what a difference. I never realized how bad I felt. My sugars are doing great and I feel better than I have in years. Yahoo...

Very busy today tomorrow. I will try to post more tomorrow night...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Princess will sleep well tonight

Friday Sophie informed me that she needed a big girl room and I should paint her room. So I called my Uncle Jim for great ideas and now we have a weekend project that is not completely done. We painted each wall a different color added garden stickers and mommy stenciled princess and garden theme accents all over her room. My goal was when you walked in you would find hidden treasures. A snail with a butterfly playing in the corner. A grasshopper in a field of grass. Coulds on the ceiling, castles, tierras and more. Sophie loves it. Thanks to everyone who has helped this weekend. My in laws have taken care of soph most the time, my mom painted the furniture, Uncle Jim helped make the dream come to alive and Frank painted the ceiling and moved all the furniture. We are finished and I am ready to clean my house. Good night...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A little help from my friends...

Help me figure this out in my head... Ihave an opportunity to bring in some extra money it is five days a week, 5 hours a day and I can take Sophie with me every day or when ever I like. So what is issue. I feel like, I am jipping her. I feel, like I quite my job to stay home and take her to book story hour etc. and now I am going to take her with me to baby sit 5 hours a day actually 3.5 hours after the naps. Ugg. I want to do this so we can have the extra vacation money this summer. It will be like a giant playdate every day. I just feel a bit guilty. Am I wrong for doing this, is she going to think?? Am I jippin her. Ugg I just don't know.
I need a little help from my blogger pals.

We are in a bit of a hurry tonight, so I will post our visit to the dentist tomorrow. She was one rockin awesome kid....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sophie and the Boss....

Life is Sweet. Check out the two monkey's below. How can your life be anything but sweet like ice cream with Sophie and the boss in your life. I will admit, sometimes, I think ugg, I should be working, I should be doing this or that, but then I stop and look at Sophie and take a breath of fresh look all the things, I would miss out on. I am lucky to have a husband that loves and puts up with me, a daughter who is my sunshine a close family and friends who know me better than I know myself.. I am blessed with smiles and love..

Blogger is slow post more later...

I Love Baby Ross....

My Blue Eyed Baby....

The Farmer in the Dell...

Auntie Autumn is the bomb.. She gave me my first popsicle.

Little Miss Sunshine and the Prince...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Two little Monkey's cooking in the kitchen!

Two little monkeys fixing something good, rolling in cinnamon and eating sugar and making more memories at the kitchen table...

Two little Monkeys fixing something good...

One little monkey rolling in cinnamon and sugar...

Two little monkeys are all done rolling in the cinnamon and sugar. Mama put it in the oven and set the timer. So two little monkeys could eat

their Monkey Bread...

The older little monkey gave the little monkey a whole bag of marshmellows. What in the heck was the older monkey thinking. Ahh, that I am the granny and it is fun to give the mama a little payback... (smiles)

Just Call Me Ralphie....

I thought of Ralphie and Miss Sabrina when Sophie was heading out the door in her new coat...

Making Snow Angels....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

We Made it Before the Storm

Well, we made it home after a week in Illinois. A nasty storm was heading so we took off this morning. I spoke with my dad about an hour ago and the rain puddles and sidewalks have turned to ice and the wind has picked up. We will take our weather 60 some degrees when arrived this evening. I have several pics, but too tired to post. We are home.... We had a great time and miss everyone already.

lots of love Autumn

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Making Valentine's

My little art's and craft Princess...

I will make sure the glitter stays on the valentine...

The Finished Product...

What a great time we had making valentine's for our family and friends. We still have some to make. Sophie really enjoys working with glue and glitter all the fun that comes with art..

Today was a busy day.. It started off with my doctor appt. running to story hour and toddler time. Running home quickly and racing across town to register Sophie for pre-school this fall. Came home met with J and T who I will baby sit for three days a week and then going to Southland Adoption Support meeting where we made more valentines. Sophie was in heaven. I usually do not let her play with scissors, glue and markers. But tonight, I did and she had a great messy time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Guess Who We are Going to Go See....

Saturday morning bright and early we will be getting in our car packed full for a week to go and see our favorite person... Sophie can't wait, we have it marked with a big red star on the calendar and we move the dot everyday, so she knows it is getting closer...


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A walk down memory lane..

My all time favorite picture...

Kas and Sophie eating snow cones 2007!

AHH Picninc.

Sophie hugging Brayden!

Ahh Breakfast 2007!

Alex and Megan

Me, Sophie, Holly and Gia

Sophie turns one..

Sophie turns two..

I see Winnie the Pooh...
Florida 2007!

Three Men and a Baby..

My Pal Geoffrey...
June 2006!

Hanging out in mama's cupboards...

Looking Back in the past.. Where does the time go? It seems as though yesterday, I was packing up for a my first visit trip. Sleepless nights, wondering what Sophie was doing... Jumping every time the phone rang, wondering if we were out of pgn? Getting ready for pick up. What to pack, do I have enough of this and that.
After two years of waiting, the tears, laughter, excitement, new friends we would do it all over again.

Full circle, here we are.. Almost two years later with Miss Sophie and all her adventures. Looking through my pics, look what I found, some great memories.. It would take forever to post them all.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Not alot to report today. Sophie is counting down the days until we go visit Bob. Good grief, she is ready to go... Frank is up stairs cooking for the super bowl party.. The weather is awesome 50 degrees, so Sophie played outside a bit. We are going to make valentines today or tomorrow. We went to three different places today, before I found what I was looking for. I will take photo's of our valentines and

valentine mail box.

Have a great and Safe Superbowl Night....

P.S. Stella: I am hoping to catch Terry or Helen this week, so I get the Johnny Jumper out of the closet for Baby Ross.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I have Been Tagged

7 Weird Things About Me...

1. I love to public speak but not in front of people I know.. Complete strangers is the best...
2. I always make sure the front door is locked before putting the key in the front door
3. Must have a least a sip of diet coke right before I go to sleep and a sip first thing in the a.m.
4. I am terrified of mice, the thought, the idea and I will a. leave the house, spend the night somewhere else or check into a hotel, I will make Frank capture it before peace enters the house. No kidding scared to death. I actually called work one day to say I was going to be late because the blanken thing was in the bathroom scales. My Father in law not amused came and saved the day...
5. To have a productive day I must have a plan housework to be done, list of things to do, etc and I scratch off as I go(working on this crazy habit)
6. I lived in 7 states in 7 years...
7. Always have to have the shower curtain closed (I hate going to the bathroom and staring at the tub.

I was tagged by Robyn: Some one will need to teach my non technological self how to link...

I tagged Emily...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Sophie, Nemo and FFF.......

Mimi, Me, Sophie and Granny...

Looking back at the past.. I cannot believe Sophie has been home almost two years. Where has the time gone? This is one of my favorite pics. Four Generations.. My Favortie Friday pic has to be the one below. I love how my friend Christi captured the moment so well, even in the 105 degree heat..
My Favorite Picture...

This week has been a bit busy, Sophie asked me today to send the dog back to Aunt Rita. I htink she was getting a bit upset with her over stealing baba bunny... Overall the puppy has made herself at home and Sophie and her get in trouble together on an hourly basis..
Double Trouble...

How Cute is this...

Just a funny two year old story... I am sure everyone at Applebees enjoyed. I quietly said to Frank, I will be back in a moment, I am going to the ladies room. Sophie announces in a high pitched yell, Mommy are you going to go poop.. Of course everyone pretends not to hear her, but you cannot help but hear the chuckles...