Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Update on Sophia's World...

It has been a busy and stressful last week. Many of you know and some donot, that we are in Illinois. My grandma had a bad spell a week ago Sunday. My mom and I came back on Wed. She is out of the hospital and doing good. We went to have a follow up appointment with the cardiologist yesterday. She has an excuse the spelling angieogram on Tuesday. I am understanding we are thinking their is some blockage. So the Sophie pit crew is stopped in the Prairie for a bit. We are adjusting and missing story time, playgroups etc. Sophie on the other hand has made some neighborly friends. She now calls Mr. H our neighbor Bob the Builder since he works in his garden in the a.m. She is tagging along after Aunt Barb who she calls Barbara Barbara come here.... She misses her daddy, but we are doing. Please say a few prayers for us and I will update when I have computer access...