Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Princess will sleep well tonight

Friday Sophie informed me that she needed a big girl room and I should paint her room. So I called my Uncle Jim for great ideas and now we have a weekend project that is not completely done. We painted each wall a different color added garden stickers and mommy stenciled princess and garden theme accents all over her room. My goal was when you walked in you would find hidden treasures. A snail with a butterfly playing in the corner. A grasshopper in a field of grass. Coulds on the ceiling, castles, tierras and more. Sophie loves it. Thanks to everyone who has helped this weekend. My in laws have taken care of soph most the time, my mom painted the furniture, Uncle Jim helped make the dream come to alive and Frank painted the ceiling and moved all the furniture. We are finished and I am ready to clean my house. Good night...

1 comment:

Torismom said...

It sounds so cute! Pictures please!!!!!