Saturday, February 2, 2008

I have Been Tagged

7 Weird Things About Me...

1. I love to public speak but not in front of people I know.. Complete strangers is the best...
2. I always make sure the front door is locked before putting the key in the front door
3. Must have a least a sip of diet coke right before I go to sleep and a sip first thing in the a.m.
4. I am terrified of mice, the thought, the idea and I will a. leave the house, spend the night somewhere else or check into a hotel, I will make Frank capture it before peace enters the house. No kidding scared to death. I actually called work one day to say I was going to be late because the blanken thing was in the bathroom scales. My Father in law not amused came and saved the day...
5. To have a productive day I must have a plan housework to be done, list of things to do, etc and I scratch off as I go(working on this crazy habit)
6. I lived in 7 states in 7 years...
7. Always have to have the shower curtain closed (I hate going to the bathroom and staring at the tub.

I was tagged by Robyn: Some one will need to teach my non technological self how to link...

I tagged Emily...

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