Saturday, March 22, 2008

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail & I Hope He Knows How To Spell!!!

Today turned out to be a fun day. I was a disappointed for Sophie that Frank and Nona were unable to attend the Easter activities and traditional lunch for pizza after the egg hunt due to the flu. Frank is feeling a bit better!

Sophie, Mimi and I started our morning by attending the Joseph Beth Egg Hunt and meeting Peter Rabbit. What a great time. The egg hunt was fantastic and the stories were great. Fun had by all. I am so excited my pictures turned out really well. The big bonus they gave away no candy yeah...

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail, stopping through the bunny trail
to get his picture taken with Miss Sophie...

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter is on it's way...

After the egg hunt we raced across town to church for the annual egg hunt. How much fun. This year, Sophie has turned into the egg hunter. First we could look out the window at the church and see the eggs in the court yard. Sophie loudly says oh my goodness look at the eggs. Good lord... After we lined up at the court yard, the head of the hunt counted down to three. Sophie passed about 50 eggs and all the kids that stopped and went after the eggs at the beginning, went straight to the back and cleaned house. Then she saw it... Eggs ok.. She saw the light, Fruit snacks. Majority of the kids were passing up the fruit snacks and running for the eggs, my smart Sophie, she ran behind them and cleaned out the fruit snacks. I will not have to purchase for awhile. My smart consumer

And we are off to look for eggs...

Mommy, I found one....

Stop for a cheese...
The Scariest Easter Bunny..

Papa met us at the church and we went for lunch at the same place we went last year. I cannot think of the name of it at this time. We had so much fun... Sophie really enjoyed having lunch with her papa.

Papa's Girl...

Off and running to Meir for more egg fun. Meir had treats and activities for the kids. Sophie was thrilled with her bunny pin and stickers. At this time, I am pooped. We headed home for a nap. Sophie went down for a 3o minute nap. During this time Aunt Carolyn aka Aunt Dee Dee (we have know idea why) called and asked us to come over for Sophie's basket. Oh my lord more candy... Sophie had her first ring pop tonight and she is in love with that... So off to Sams Club. My favorite store these days. The next thing, I know it is 7:00 and we need to eat dinner. So we went to Cheddars had a great dinner and now Sophie sleeps. I am excited for Easter morning. I love watching her get so jazzed about everything. She is such a great kid.

I hope eveyone has a wonderful Easter...

Prayers for the following important people in my life:

Frank and Nona for having the flu. I hope you recover soon...

John B. please recover soon from your surgery

Amy, my blog pal... Keep the faith girl.. Prayer for her going through some personal stuff...

Prayers for all my family and friends that you stay well, healthy and enjoy the holiday with your family and loved ones...

1 comment:

Torismom said...

What is it with your kid giving everyone different names? LOL! Hope you guys have a great Easter!