Monday, April 21, 2008

Ahhh Memories

First, I have been awful at blogging. I am ashamed at myself for being so horrible, since my blog purpose is too have a journal for Sophia. So in a nutshell, I promise to Try to be better and here is a catch up...


Sophia has been home for two years, we celebrated her Gotcha Day by making homemade chocolate cake, daddy taking her to buy a fish and visiting Nona and Papa...
Sophia you are the highlight of our life. You have brought us smiles, joy, laughter and no sleep. But we would not change any of this. Thank you for teaching us new things everyday. We are lucky to be your mommy and daddy....
I will post more later.. I have many stories...


Torismom said...

I want more Sophie stories! and pictures!

Our Family of 5 said...

Happy 2 year Anniversary!

Robyn said...

Happy 2 Year Anniversary!!

Robyn & Gabriella