Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Where to start. I had to have a furneal for my washer. Yes, my dear friends it was sad, my good pal the washing machine died at 6:32 p.m. last evening. It was so sad. Especially, for Mimi since she has being doing majority of the wash these days. Poor thing, I knew he was old, Frank told me today he was pushing 15 to 20 years. We bought him used,w hen we were engaged, had nothing but each other and a $100.oo 16 plus old washer. He started spill green stuff then chunks of something not sure and then he smelled like he was on fire. Yes, I had to tell Frank, who loves the washing machine as much as myself. So hihohio off to lowes, I go to buy a washer, spend some money with a two year old in toe. Hiho hiho hiho. The new fantastic beautifully no green, chuncky stuff washer arrived today. Great. But when taking out my old friend who has become family and kept my clothes so nice and clean the delivery men laid the damn thing on my basement carpet, which I just had professionally cleaned on Saturday. I would of waited if I knew the blank blank washer was going to kick the bucket. So two cute oil spots on my clean carpet. But yes, my blogger pals my mother came to the rescue and yippee no more oil.
Enough about my washer. Moving on. Sophie. Oh Sophie
One word for this kid, cute.
She is talking up a storm. She is getting some teeth and came to me last night and said, mommy teeth hurt doctor please. She cracked me up at Chucke Cheese. Uncle Steve and Aunt Michelle came with us. Steve thought it would be funny to tell a two year old we are done eating time to go, I have to leave. He was expecting Sophie to cry, not my good girl. She grabs his hand, says ok with a disappointed look and walks to the door. IT was so sad and funny. He was only kidding and we stayed for over an hour and steve and Sophie played the drums.
Frank is working like crazy in this crazy heat. I am calling him the shrinking man, he is loosing so much weight. Good for him.
Tomorrow is root canal day! Oh yeah. Enough of my rambles.
I really don't have any new pics.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I wish my washer would move on! (I want a new one pretty badly!!)

I knew that Krystal was planning on having some sort of dinner fundraiser but I didn't know the details. I'll contact her and see what I can do to help out!! Thanks for bringing it up.