Sunday, August 19, 2007


Fellow Blog Pals, help me create a blog roll with everyones name on it. I am missing a step and this is not working. Thank you....


Kim said...

Try this.

Change this part of the source. (I'll put the changes in parenthesis and I had to add spaces to the code to make it work in the comments section)

< h2 >Emily and Mya Grace< /h2> (change this to be Blog Roll or whatever you want to call it)

< div class='widget-content' >
< ul >

< li >< a href=''>< /a >< /li > (keep the blog address in quotes right after the a href. Then, instead of putting the blog address again - change it to whatever you want to show. In this case it would be Emily and Mya Grace)

< /ul >

Then do another < li >< a href=....< /a >< /li > to keep adding new ones.

That should work - give it a try!

Jenny said...

Hey Autumn,
I'm glad someone else could help you with the blog roll... I've yet to master that task myself!

Thanks for the visit to my blog. What did you think of BB8 last night? Are you an Evel Dick fan? I really kind of like him. As you know, I don't care for Amber (although I find her amusingly annoying). Eric is starting to grate on my nerves too. I'm not sure what it is about him. His pierced nipples don't really seem to fit his personality though. Have you noticed that? Also, do you think Danielle might be anorexic or bullemic? I think she's looking awfully thin. Anyway, enough of that.

You're daughter is super cute. What a special blessing. It certainly looks like she's been enjoying the pool... can't say I blame her :)

Keep in touch. -Jenny