I love Birthday's it means Cake!
Grandma Stella and Sophia
much, what ever happen to the cruise we were going to take? Lets shoot for the 35th birthday, lol.
Second shout out to Laura Sue, Happy Late Birthday and we had so much fun with you this week. You are truely amazing and I am so glad to call you family.
]I also want to add a quick shout to the McKenzie Crew, Congrats on sweet baby girl Abby Grace. Julia you are one of the strongest gals, I know and I am blessed to call you a friend. Check out the sweetness www.babyjb.blogspot.com
Ahhhh Sophie has an ear infection, her 5th one since coming home. Back on the gooey pink stuff. She also is teething awful. Poor baby.
Yesterday Laura Sue came for a visit. We had lunch on the patio at Cheddars went to the mall shopping and went to Mikayo for dinner. What fun. Sophie really enjoyed herself. The chef was awesome, throwing eggs in his chef hat, the fire on grill made sophia's jaw drop and Frank had the band play a Happy Birthday tune for Laura Sue and myself. What a great day. Before we left, I was puttering in my garden, and my insulin pump fell out. I replaced it and went to dinner. Well for the third time in 13 years, the needle went under the skin and I did not receive any insulin. I felt like crap and b.s. was so high. I was up last night testing, sophie was up crying with ear pain and I stayed home today from work. Any diabetics out their will understand you feel like shit excuse my french. I am feeling a bit better tonight, but not fantastic.
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Mothers' Day!!
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