Monday, June 4, 2007

I have been tagged

I have been tagged by Jules:
Here it goes Eight things most people do not know about me!
1. I love to write (dream to have my poems published)
2. I love classical music
3. I have a fear of needles (funny since I have one in my stomach all the time)
4. I love to cook unique dishes
5. I hate yard work and bugs
6. I am very much a dreamer (live for quotes that will make you think, inspire and sometimes makes you laugh) Ever have a day when you sort your socks, balance your check book and talk to your mother, I am having one of those days) I used to have this on my voice mail, my mother hated it)
7. I have lived in 7 states in 7 years
8. I am observer, could sit in an airport for hours and people watch
Emily, Jenny and Amy you have been tagged

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